Pre-Orders close at 5pm EST Monday for new shirts & hoodies!
WOD – “Hooligan”
Squat clean(155/105)
Bar facing Burpee
For time
WOD Brief
After daylight savings time we should all be rested and ready to rock and roll. This perfect couplet should be done with an aggressive attack on the bar. Each rep must be from the ground with no bouncing. You’ll clean the barbell from the ground, receive it, break parallel on every rep, and stand up – that is one good rep. Return the bar to the ground and repeat.
Burpees should be done efficiently and keep a high heart rate. The key to efficient burpees is speed, focusing solely on positions, breathing, and moving. Stay present and move quickly – no other thoughts beyond finishing your burpees, and those larger sets will evaporate quickly.
Friends-Giving November 16th – invite posted in community page
December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, to be announced