Hang Cleans
WOD – “18.2”
DB Squats (50/35)
Bar Facing Burpees
If finished with in cap remaining time to complete 1rm clean
12 min CAP
WOD Brief
Welcome back from a fabulous weekend celebration for our anniversary! Today we spend the day on 18.2, yes yes .. we had Open judging throughout the weekend, but TODAY we complete it together. Today will be a first attempt for many, and for others a second go at it. Regardless, focus on your efforts here and aim to move better and breath better in every repetition.
We have a series of careful progressions and build-up in the programming today to really get you ready for your best Open Workout yet. We’ll cyclical warmup to get the body moving and then have several specific coach led preparations. We may work in heats in classes when Open athletes need a judge. Otherwise we’ll go as a class and do our best.
The DBs will begin to feel heavy, so when you approach these plan to move smoothly and get off them. The movement starts once you show full extension of the hips and knees and the DB touching your shoulders. Then you perform one below parallel squat and return to the start. That is the rep. Move straight to the burpee over the bar (jump or step depending on your scale and division).
Focus on quick not rushed here. Ideally your first rep and last rep are the same speed. Take a mind for your breath and MOVE, without gassing yourself.
Once you complete the ascending ladder, you’ll use any remaining time to find a one rep max clean – any form of clean is allowed.
If you have a lot of time, have a seat .. catch your breath.. put on whatever gear you like, and then get to it. Ideally you load the bar with 50-60% of your target weight and ready weight nearby. If you feel you will finish with only moments to spare on the clock, by all means go a bit heavier. The first lift will feel heavy – that is ok, and why we are loading a bit lighter – to make the rep! Then go every :30 or adjust based on the weight you want to hit.
Have fun – pursue your best self, and let’s go!
Box Brief
- 18.3 Saturday March 10th time 5:30-8pm
Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.