WOD – Tuesday, September 18th 2018

HSPU Progressions


50 cal row
40 cal row
30 cal row
For time

WOD Brief

To have great handstand push-ups we need to find our best position – today we’ll spend time building that progression for you personally. Ask anything, and let’s get better.

The WOD has us working through big sets, but on the row we can go pretty aggressive – maybe 2 minutes for guys at 50 calories. The HSPU are big, so either break them or … if you don’t have the density (endurance) in this position, let’s preset our plan to adjust down the reps.

Possible scales for HSPU would be 15-12-9, or even 12-9-7. If HSPU are not our strength today, we can do pike push-ups, seated shoulder presses with dumbbells, or even wall-walks.

The goal here is fast aggressive movements. Use your kip on the HSPU and let’s attack that row together!

Box Brief

Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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