


Snatch Grip Push Press + 2 Overhead squats x 4 sets

Power Snatch build to heavy single



75 Power Snatches for time (75/55)

WOD Brief:

Snatching into the weekend! We continue our snatch grip push press+overhead squat progressions. To restate from prior weeks, this is a great accessory and strength building piece to improve our shoulder strength, snatch technique and overall snatch strength. Four total working sets of one snatch grip push presses into two overhead squats. After we get through this lift we will take time to build to a max power snatch single for the day.

We are picking up the intensity today with “Randy”, in honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed in the line of duty. Strategy: Good technique from the start sets of the tone for “Randy”. Although the weight is light and we can get away with muscling through the first half, that will quickly catch up with us on the back half of this high-rep workout. Using the legs while keeping the arms straight and relaxed allows for the upper body to have gas in the tank for the last 25-30 reps. Breakup strategy is dependent on you. Some may be able to complete big sets. Some may require more breaks. Some may even be able to go unbroken. Here are a few options to think through: my favorite 21-18-15-12-9, 5 sets of 15 or even 5 sets of 10, 8-8-7. Happy Friday friends, have fun, work hard and don’t get sloppy!

Box Brief:

Christmas Party: December 7that 5:30pm

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Rwanda fundraiser shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.

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