


3-5 Giant Sets

  1. Reverse Back Rack Lunges
  2. Bar Dips
  3. Eccentric Chin Ups

WOD: 11.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 9 Deadlifts (M: 155lbs / 70kg, W: 100lbs / 45kg)
  • 12 Push-ups
  • 15 Box jumps (M: 24″, W: 20″)


Giant strength superset with a classic push/pull mash-up. Followed by a throwback to the 2011 games with 11.2! The beginning it’s a nice and easy one…but then it gets real…push yourself to do your best as you can. This WOD requires strength, determination, power and passion. If you have all of them, then you’ll rock it. And don’t forget this WOD will not kill you. It will probably just make you stronger than ever.

Box Brief:

No 6:15am classes on Thursdays.

Murph t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.




Strength and Skill:

EMOM x 4 sets

A1. :20-30s HandStand Hold (focus: stack + balance)

A2.  10-12 Strict leg raises w/ 1-3 sec hold at maximum compression

A3.  3 slow Tempo Ring lowers to hang


21 Turkish Get-Ups, Right Arm (72#/53#)

50 KB Swing

21 Overhead Squats, Left Arm

50 KB Swing

21 Overhead Squats, Right Arm

50 KB Swing

21 Turkish Get-Ups WOD BRIEF:

Strength workout breakdown:

A1 = free standing handstand hold; wall facing; reverse or with partner

A2 = strict toes to bar with pause at highest point

A3 = On low rings begin at top in full support, then lower body through RMU transition to finish under rings with arms extended in False Grip. USE TOES to assist.

Hero Wod: Arnie

Los Angeles County Fire Fighter Specialist Arnaldo “Arnie” Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, August 30, 2009 during the Station Fire. His emergency response vehicle went over the side of the road and fell 800 feet into a steep canyon during fire suppression activities protecting Camp 16 outside the City of Palmdale, CA. He is survived by his wife Lori and daughter Sophia Grace, born three weeks after his death.

For this workout, my best advice would be to make sure your shoulders and core are up to the task and primed for success. The Turkish get-ups are no joke, I almost didn’t get through the first set of get-ups without going lighter so make sure you can handle this before starting. Swallow your pride and scale back with a lighter kettlebell if you need to, this is about honoring a hero and grinding through for those that no longer can…not about dropping kettlebells on your head.

Box Brief:

No 6:15am classes on Thursdays.

Murph t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.





4 Rounds

6 Front Squats (135/95)(165/115)

8 Pull-ups (C2B)

10 Bar Facing Burpees


El Diablo translates directly into: the devil or demon. Naturally the wod is intended to spare no evil and it’s intended rpe(rate of perceived exertion) is 95%. In summation, go hard, leave it all on the line and enjoy the burn.

We start with six front squats(note from the ground), quickly hopping onto some pullups and rounding out with the actual devil…the burpee. Today is all about training the intensity and stamina with a bit of muscle fatigue added in there. Go get em, gang.

Box Brief:

No 6:15am classes on Thursdays.

Murph t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.





4 Rounds

6 Front Squats (135/95)(165/115)

8 Pull-ups (C2B)

10 Bar Facing Burpees


El Diablo translates into: the devil or demon. Naturally the wod is intended to spare no evil and it’s intended rpe(rate of perceived exertion) is 95%. In summation, go hard, leave it all on the line and enjoy the burn.

We start with six front squats(note from the ground), quickly hopping onto some pullups and rounding out with the actual devil…the burpee. Today is all about training the intensity and stamina with a bit of muscle fatigue added in there. Go get em, gang.

Box Brief:

No 6:15am classes on Thursdays.

Murph t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.





  1. KB/DB SeaSaw Press: 3×8-10 per side + 2 sec descent!
  2. Dips: 3×7-9
  3. Sandbag Bench Press:


“Crush or be Crushed”


DB Snatch

Cal Ski

*Teams of 2 split evenly as needed: For Time*


Giving the legs a SLIGHT breather today as we continue with our upper body push cycle. Aim here is to get a little heavier, a little tighter, and a little deeper than last week. Warm your joints and shoulder muscles up well before attacking todays strength portion.

After the strength, a partner interval style couplet. The intent is to all out BURST each set of both db snatches and the ski, so break up reps/sets that will allow max effort for the duration of the workout.

Box Brief:

No 6:15am classes on Thursdays.

Murph t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.