WOD – Tuesday, September 18th 2018

HSPU Progressions


50 cal row
40 cal row
30 cal row
For time

WOD Brief

To have great handstand push-ups we need to find our best position – today we’ll spend time building that progression for you personally. Ask anything, and let’s get better.

The WOD has us working through big sets, but on the row we can go pretty aggressive – maybe 2 minutes for guys at 50 calories. The HSPU are big, so either break them or … if you don’t have the density (endurance) in this position, let’s preset our plan to adjust down the reps.

Possible scales for HSPU would be 15-12-9, or even 12-9-7. If HSPU are not our strength today, we can do pike push-ups, seated shoulder presses with dumbbells, or even wall-walks.

The goal here is fast aggressive movements. Use your kip on the HSPU and let’s attack that row together!

Box Brief

Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

WOD – Monday, September 17th 2018


Build up to deadlift weight

WOD  – “HolleyHammies”

THIRTY rounds For time
5 burpees over bar
3 Box Jumps 30/24
1 Deadlift 275/185 rx+ 315/205

WOD Brief

Hope everyone is feeling fresh and recovered after the Rwanda Fitness Event on Saturday – thank you again for all the support and participation. We have a room funded and nearly done with #2!!

Today we will spend some time building up to WOD weight – it’s a heavy bar, and then will hit three movements for thirty rounds. Today is designed to have explosive jumps, powerful box jumps, and a heavy pull. That is the goal. We need to at a pace that is tough but one that allows us to keep moving. The burpees over the bar and box jumps should just be consistent and same pace. There is no sprinting here, but instead a steep desire to move quickly.

Think light and easy – burpees should be smooth down and up. Box jumps we want to land like a ninja (quiet for those having never met a ninja) on top of the box.

The dead lift is heavy, but should be at a weight you can hit solid and safely.

We have a big week of life on the barbell – front squats, back squats, power cleans… along with plenty of gymnastics and engine fitness. Basically a perfect week for our community.

See you at NBK.

Box Brief

Relay for Rwanda shirts are being delivered this week!

Rwanda Fitness Event – Fundraiser and Athlete shirts are open till EOD MONDAY Sept 17th.

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

EVENT – RWANDA OPEN, Functional Fitness Charity Competition, September 15th 2018

Charity event: RWANDA OPEN at Land of a Thousand Hills 8am-11am

Join us for this great event – cheer, grab a coffee, or compete!

NBK has moved to Land of a Thousand Hills for the event Saturday – no open gym or team training today, so we can raise money to build a hospital for Rwanda.

INTERESTED IN DONATING – Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

WOD – Friday, September 14th 2018




EMOM: 15
Minute 1:    15 Wall ball (Rx+ 20 reps)
Minute 2:          12/10 cal Row (RX+ 15 cals)
Minute 3:            45 dubs (RX+ 60)

WOD Brief

Skill session with our snatch.. the focus will be to build up in weight but not touch and go. Good sets, strong attempts, and let’s each work to improve those positions. If full squat is a challenge, aim a little deeper each attempt. Videoing ourselves is very helpful to see how our bodies move vs how our mind sees ourselves moving.

The WOD has 3 movements. Each one is done in a 60 second window. If you finish the reps, rest, and get ready at the next station. There is no transition time, so if you find yourself against the clock push to catchup or reduce reps in the rounds.

We are working the whole 15 minutes, if you can’t make the rounds – drop reps by enough to make a difference. For instance, if you went 15 wall balls no problem and the 3rd round you got stuck at the minute with 3 to go … reduce wall balls only down to 10. This will be more inline with our program goals and ensure one movement doesn’t limit the ability of another movement.

For RX+ THE REPS go up … only chase this if these are achievable within 45 seconds.

Box Brief

Relay for Rwanda – 42,000m Row, Bike, Ski .. was a blast and a great crowd. Special event t-shirts are on sale and will be ready Monday for pick-up. If you wish to donate, please do.

Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

September 15th we have our competition – the Rwanda Open, see workouts and details on our Facebook page.

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

WOD – Thursday, September 13th 2018



WOD – “Swing Step”

800m run
10 muscle ups
100 walking lunge steps
10 muscle ups
800m run

RX+ with a vest

WOD Brief

Our strength is the pull-up. We will set a specific work rest ratio today and the intent is to really get in strong sets. We must have great positions if we want to continue to get better and have a long athletic career. Today’s focus is the pull-up on a clock.

Swing Step …. fast, that is what this should be your thoughts when done.

The run is perfect for the nearly Fall weather. This is a reasonable distance but not a sprint. So … fast 😉

Then 10 muscle-ups or your scale for the day. If you have never done 10 in a day .. today isn’t the day to go for 20… instead plan for a scale of 5 for each station +/- based on your health. The idea is these should be regular enough that we are working and when we are resting it isn’t at the cost of intensity.

The walking lunge steps are a straight 100, alternating legs. Seek to have your knee behind your toe. That’ll really help keep you in a nice power position.

The walking lunges are the center of the workout and then back to the muscle-ups and run. Finishing on a run means we get to just go as hard as possible. Nothing fancy about today’s finish, once you are on the run, RUN.

Box Brief

Relay for Rwanda – 42,000m Row, Bike, Ski .. was a blast and a great crowd. Special event t-shirts are on sale and will be ready Monday for pick-up. If you wish to donate, please do.

Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

September 15th we have our competition – the Rwanda Open, see workouts and details on our Facebook page.

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.