Tuesday, October 17, 2017

WOD – “Stay Puff Marshmallow Man”

In teams of 2

100 Front Squats(155/105) from the GROUND

200 cal row

300 DU

For time

WOD Brief

We’ll build to a heavy back squat for 10 reps every 3 minutes and then setup for this partner WOD. From the ground the front squats will require good vertical positions and smooth transitions. Do your partner a favor and drop the bar evenly – this will improve your overall time and keep the stimulus we are seeking.

Cal Rows should be AGGRESSIVE – switch every 10, 15, or 20 cals depending on your partners capacity. These rows should be near 95% of your ability.

Double Unders – deep breath and go. Focus on jumping high enough, as this is where you’ll likely get caught. Go for big sets.

YELL out your incremented reps to your partner and get it done!

Box Brief
NBK has partnered with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation for the betterment of kids.  We are fundraising and need your help to hit our $$$ goal. Please see how you can help, join us in raising money, and share the message.
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue

Monday, October 16th 2017


WOD – “Lanterns”

30/20 cal ski
2 rounds
12 Push Press (95/65)
8 OH Lunge Steps

WOD Brief

Take time to remove the weight from the bars, and practice lunge steps with bar overhead. Rebuild weight on the bar to your WOD weight.

Athletes will complete SKI and then 12 Push Presses, 8 OH Lunge Steps, 12 Push Presses, 8 Lunges steps and repeat for as many rounds as possible. Bar weight should be something athlete can move and confidently manage overhead in a lunge position. The objective of this workout is to progress through the rounds at a consistent but active pace.

Box Brief
NBK has partnered with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation for the betterment of kids. This WOD is named after their efforts and the special lanterns celebration that occurs. Please see how you can help, join us in raising money, and share the message.
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue

October 14, 2017

PartyWOD – open community event for friends and family to come together and train as teams. We break into teams based on the workouts and have fun. Workouts are designed to be done across the 9-11am timeframe, but anyone can come by for any hour to team up!

All Levels welcome.

WODs – to be announced at PartyWOD

It’s a surprise!
Box Brief
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue

Friday October 13, 2017

WOD – “Black Cat”

5 min AMRAP
20 Goblet lunges (53/35) (70/53)
15 abmat sit up
10 box jump overs(24/20)
in remaining time row for max cals
Rest 2 min

WOD Brief

Your goals are paved my the smallest of actions you take moment by moment. Building on each moment is what allows us to reach the greatest of heights in life and fitness. Focus and take advantage of the cumulative nature of this program. The ability to retest a movement, try a higher tempo or different technique to get better will lead to the biggest benefits.
Assess your performance in the breaks, not during the work periods – during work we work and a wandering mind is taking energy from the opportunity at hand. Focus and improve moment by moment.
Box Brief
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue

Thursday, October 12th, 2017

Partner workouts are better because we are together!

Activate and focus on good positions today – better not more.


Power Snatch EMOM:8
Even: 7 Power Snatch (heavy)
Odd: Ski 15/10 cal

WOD – “Victory Lap”

With a partner
100 Power Snatch (75/55)
100 Burpee
10 Rope Climb
100 Burpee
100 Power Snatch

WOD Brief

CrossOver Symmetry is available daily across six stations and part of our warm-up today. A few key reminders:
Activation protocol (what we will use today)
The most important protocol, it gets you in an optimal position to function, fires all the tissue in the correct planes of motion, and in the correct sequence (that is the key) warms up rotator cuff which are similar to your feet and hands with not so great blood flow. Fire the serratus anterior, mid to low trap & rhomboids. –> Neuromuscular firing is the point here.
* DO NOT SHRUG…..never ever. We are getting all rotators of the scap to do their jobs since they are shut down and likely weak.
* Do not use this to fatigue.
Box Brief
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue